Confronting Emerging Business Obstacles

Confronting Emerging Business Obstacles

Are you sick of being a mediocre project manager with mediocre responsibilities, mediocre projects, mediocre colleagues, and mediocre results? There is something you must realize right now. A Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, familiarity with the PM body of knowledge, and a track record of completed projects do not guarantee success as a project manager. Every project manager needs to develop to the next level in order to meet modern obstacles and expectations. You risk falling behind if you wait to take action.

New Difficulties

Consider the difficulties you encounter on a regular basis: Getting the most out of teams that are more difficult to shape and lead than in the past Increasing the rate at which new services are introduced in order to remain competitive Adapting to the ever-evolving landscape of new company rules, procedures, policies, etc. and adjusting to increased demands from customers Adapting to the increased demands of your firm

In today's competitive corporate world, it's not enough to be a "tyrannical management and control" type of project manager. This is one of the main causes of the massive layoffs of project managers across all sectors during the past three years. Traditional project managers were deemed ineffective by upper management. They were not up to the task of meeting contemporary standards. Conventional project managers are obsolete and at risk of extinction.

Leadership is required to overcome these obstacles. Changing your approach to management at this time? Let's examine that. Who is the most inspiring leader? One Who Takes the Reins Who gets people's whole attention, energy, and creativity? One who takes the helm. Who always achieves what they set out to do? One who takes the helm. Who motivates workers to show loyalty, dedication, and enthusiasm for their work the way it was done in the past? One who takes the helm. Who is given a raise? One who takes the helm.

Leader vs. the Typical Project Manager

So, why are there so few people who step up to lead? Some people think that if you just tell people what to do, kick their buts, and call them names, you'll get better results. This is the "tyrannical management and control" approach. While this strategy may produce short-term gains, it has far-reaching, detrimental effects on morale, productivity, and long-term success among employees.

Determine if you fit the profile of a traditional manager or leader by reviewing A Leader's 13 Core Competencies. If you want to keep your present project management job or take it to the next level, you need to know the difference between the two and the leadership skills you need to develop.

The 13 Crucial Skills Every Leader Needs

Approach to Management. Typical project managers act as gatekeepers and make course corrections. Leaders plan, encourage, and push their followers forward.

Goals. The aims of conventional project managers are short-term, and they adhere rigidly to internal processes that seem to go on forever. Leaders have the mindset and tenacity of business owners; they prioritize the company's long-term success and act accordingly.

Method of Thinking Project managers who rely on tried-and-true methods are content with modest improvements. Leaders are curious people who are always open to learning and improving. They encourage their teams to do the same.

Communication. Typical project managers talk down to their teams, issue orders, and expect blind obedience. Leaders foster open lines of communication, welcome criticism, and pay attention to their followers.

Emotion. Typical project managers think critically and dispassionately. To be a leader is to generate enthusiasm. They motivate both staff and clients to achieve on a regular basis.

Trust. Murphy's Law is a tenet of the profession of the traditional project manager. They keep a close eye on all of the workers. Trust between leaders and their teams is consistently high.

Openness. Typical project managers are inflexible, pride themselves on always saying "NO!", and require proof of everything. Leaders value diversity and are open to hearing fresh perspectives and ideas.

Action. Typical project managers are great at collecting ideas but terrible at putting them into action. They struggle to make decisions and are generally risk-averse because of this. As self-starters and doers, leaders think on their feet to find answers to pressing problems and are willing to take measured risks.

Mentoring. Coaching and mentoring are not typical duties of traditional project managers. They are methodical, paying close attention to detail and following all instructions to the letter. Leaders foster success-oriented behaviors in staff by imparting decision-making authority, monitoring performance, and offering constructive criticism.

Change. The status quo is preferred by traditional project managers, who will do whatever it takes to prevent disruption. Leaders incite and welcome change, embrace it, use it rather than resist it, and see it as an opportunity.

Attitude. Normal project managers have a negative outlook and are difficult to communicate with. The needs of the boss come first, followed by those of the staff and the customers. They are critical and always find someone else to blame. Leaders are aware of the power of a positive outlook, so they show respect for all employees, avoid bias, freely confess fault, and keep their spirits up.

Conceptual framework of worth. It is not uncommon for traditional project managers to be unfamiliar with the company's value system and to lack documentation of their own personal and team beliefs. Leaders keep a written record of their own beliefs and those of their teams, and they constantly refer back to these documents.

Quantifying Results. Performance is rarely reviewed or measured by conventional project managers. Employees rarely receive feedback on their day-to-day performance, and when they do, the measurements are subjective. Data-based performance is constantly measured and tracked, and progress is monitored by leaders, who then use these metrics as a teaching tool for their subordinates.

A Guide to Leadership

Are you a natural-born leader? In a word, no. Do you have the potential to take the helm? Yes.

True leaders are developed, not born. Traditional project managers who want to succeed and rise to the new difficulties facing businesses today should focus on honing the 13 Leadership Core Competencies. Achieving your goals in the future will require formal leadership education, mentorship, experience, and the consistent application of essential skills.

You need to take the first step toward your goal of becoming a project management superhero.

In order to get started, I recommend checking out some of my favorite resources for project management and leadership, including,,, and

Not Bosses But Leaders, Who Moved My Cheese, The Leader Manager: Guidelines for Action, Enlightened Leadership, and First Things First are some of my favorite books on leadership.