Defining Facts About Hair Loss

Defining Facts About Hair Loss

It's very normal to lose between 100 and 125 hairs per day. After the hair's growth cycle is complete, the hair falls out. Ten percent of our hair is always in a "resting phase," and after two to three months of doing so, it falls out and is replaced by new hair. Yet, abnormally rapid hair loss affects some people.
Loss of hair is a natural part of aging and affects both sexes equally. 

That happens naturally as we get older. Androgenetic alopecia, the most common cause of hair loss, affects 95 percent of people who experience hair thinning. Androgenetic alopecia tends to run in families, and it manifests itself more severely in some individuals than in others. Male-pattern baldness is a common condition affecting men. This condition manifests itself in a thinning hairline and eventual baldness on top of the head. Nonetheless, even when hair loss is extreme, women rarely become completely bald. Their baldness appears to be diffuse and affects their entire head.

When discussing androgenetic alopecia, hormones take center stage. To put it simply, both sexes create testosterone. The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase is responsible for the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Reduced blood flow to the scalp is one of the side effects of DHT's shrinking effect on hair follicles. The hair follicles shrivel up as a result of this. Hence, when a hair does come out, it doesn't grow back.

Of course, men produce and lose more hair due to testosterone than women do.
Androgenetic alopecia may be the most common cause of hair loss, but it is by no means the only one. Hair loss can be caused by a number of medical issues, including hypothyroidism, ringworm, and fungal infections. Hair loss can occur suddenly and in an unexpected pattern as a result of many factors, including some medications (such as blood thinners, gout medication, birth control pills, and too much vitamin A), a crash diet, rapid hormonal changes, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Hair loss is often not noticeable for three to four months following a traumatic event such as emotional stress, pregnancy, or surgery. When more hair follicles go into their resting phase when we're stressed, fresh hair growth slows down or even stops.

Mechanical stresses on the hair and the scalp are another cause of hair loss. Pigtails, cornrows, and tight rollers can leave scars on the scalp and cause irreversible hair loss if worn too often or too tightly. Hair care methods like hot oil treatments and the chemicals in permanents can inflame the hair follicles, leading to scarring and eventual hair loss.
It's vital to see a doctor if you notice hair loss, as it could be an indicator of a more serious condition like lupus or diabetes.

Healthy Living Suggestions

See your doctor if you suspect that a prescription drug is causing or contributing to your hair loss.
Don't take vitamin A in excessive amounts. If you take too much vitamin A, you may experience hair loss.

Do some exercise, try yoga or meditation, or anything else you can think of that will help you relax and unwind.

Females should get their hormone levels checked. Discuss bio-identical hormone replacement therapy with your doctor if you suspect a hormone imbalance.

If you normally style your hair with a curling iron, hair dryer, or hot rollers, for example, you may want to try a new look that is less taxing on your hair and scalp.

Stop utilizing hot oil treatments or other chemicals, like those found in permanents, if they are creating inflammation of the scalp, or at least minimize the frequency with which you apply them.
When washing and conditioning your hair, always choose mild products to prevent breakage.
Herbs like saw palmetto and licorice root can prevent DHT production in males. It's the same with zinc pills. Research also shows that using these supplements regularly can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Olive oil infused with rosemary is a wonderful scalp massage. Promoting hair development and circulation in the scalp, rosemary oil and scalp massages both work by increasing blood flow to the scalp.

Again, if you're losing your hair, it's best to see a doctor to rule out any underlying health issues.